Prepping for the unexpected: What to do before, during and after a sudden disaster


(Natural News) Every year, natural disasters kill around 90,000 people and affect nearly 160 million more worldwide. Just a few days ago, the Taal volcano in the Philippines blew out clouds of volcanic ash over 62 miles north, covering much of the island of Luzon, including the capital city of Manila, in a thin layer of ash. In the same vein, a series of massive earthquakes have been ravaging Puerto Rico since late December. Satellite images have even shown that the territory’s landscape has changed.

While overall, disaster preparedness is getting better, there’s still a ways to go. Here are some of the things you can do before, during and after a sudden disaster that may save your life. (h/t to

Before the disaster

The first thing you must do is beef up your supplies. Your emergency supply kit must be enough to sustain each person in your group for three days. This means having at least three gallons of water per person (one gallon a day). For food, you should have enough non-perishable goods that everyone in your group will be able to consume around 2,000 calories per person per day. Make sure to keep a good variety of nutritious foods in stock – proper nutrition will be all the more important when preparing for a disaster. Some long-lasting vegetables, fruits and grains along with naturally preserved meats will keep your diet balanced and healthy.

Some rudimentary first aid supplies are also necessary. This means bandages, creams or ointments, splints and a suture kit. Many preparedness stores sell first aid kits that will have most, if not all, of the essentials you need. Make sure to consider the needs of the most vulnerable members of your family or group as well, such as infants, the elderly and pets, who may need special items like diapers, a walker and dog food. Don’t forget to bring emergency blankets, flashlights, a multi-tool, a knife and a means of keeping yourself updated to the news such as a radio.